'My horse is great except....'

Why Does He Do That?

What you will discover in the course:

Module 1 - Understanding Behaviors.

Module 2 - Emotions and The Brain.

Module 3 - The Power of Positive Reinforcement Training.

Module 4 - Get Ready to Clicker Train Your Horse.

Module 5 - ‘Friend Fun’ Training.

Module 6 - Clicker Training Fundamentals.

Module 7 - Target Training Fundamentals.

Module 8 - Your Horse Thanks You!

How you will learn in this course:

-Private Facebook Group.

-Presentation style videos for simulations.

-Worksheets, charts, tables and other printable materials.

-Lifetime access to the training materials.

-Convenience of learning at home, on your own time.

Who will benefit from this information and training?

-Anyone interested in learning about the science of behaviors and positive training.

-Whether you are a horse mom that is committed to serving your horse better or an equine practitioner looking for more tools to serve your clients better.

-The information in this course guides you to learn how to observe, assess and evaluate 'why' the behavior occurs. You learn new techniques and skills so you can influence a different behavior reaction and outcome. 

I would love the opportunity to help you get started on this journey of learning science of training blended with a holisitic approach to horses, horse care and horsemanship.

Your Guide

Karen is a Coach, Mentor and Creator of Motivational Horsemanship.

She teaches the science of training with a holisitic approach to horses and horsemanship.

Karen uses science and evidence based horsemanship to resolve horse behavior problems.

From Karen: "Improving the relationship between horses and their humans is my passion.

I hear the phrase, "I love my horse except _______' (fill in the blank) quite a bit.

Once I learned the science behind why my horse was showing signs of bad behavior, it allowed me to change my mindset around how I learned and trained.

New theories and techniques allowed me to teach and coach towards optimal learning for horse and human."

"Improving the relationship between horses and their humans is my passion. Quite a bit, “I hear the phrase, “I love my horse, except (fill in the blank)’. 

Once I learned the science behind WHY my horse was showing bad behaviors, it allowed me to change my mindset around how I would learn and train. New theories and techniques allowed me to teach for optimal learning for horse and human."

~Karen Jones